TREC is Hosting our Annual Fall Volunteer Tree Planting Day Saturday, October 5th

Volunteers will meet at the Trout River Environmental Committee office located at 575 Taylor Road, North Granville, PE, C0A 1E0 for 9am and travel together to the tree planting location on the Princetown rd.
The tree planting site that has been chosen is an old farm field with a small number of trees and shrubs growing in the area. We hope to add more trees, shrubs and pollinator plants to this site in order to improve habitat for wildlife above Granville Creek.
The site is easily accessible with a wide trail, allowing for all age ranges to be able to attend this event.
In total TREC plans to plant around 150 trees, plants, and shrubs within the area which will consist of:
• 45 Milkweed
• 12 Spikenard
• 24 Red Maple
• 12 White Birch
• 12 Red Pine
• 6 Eastern Larch
• 6 Eastern White Cedar
• 12 Willow
• 12 Spirea
• 6 Bayberry
Volunteers are encouraged to wear proper footwear and bring their own pair of gloves, if you do not have gloves TREC will provide them.
Coffee and snacks will also be provided on site!
If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions please email or message us on Facebook or Instagram.