Winter Woodlot Tour – Feb 19th

The Winter Woodlot Tour will be taking place on Saturday February 19th. We decided to postpone in the hope that the pandemic restrictions would be lifted by then.
Join us on Saturday February 5th, from 9am to 1pm, for the 2022 Winter Woodlot Tour. The storm date is February 19th. The Woodlot Tour is a family friendly event, with numerous exhibits showing how to make the most of your woodlot, and improve its value to wildlife. There will be snowshoes to try on our snowshoe trail, maple syrup tapping, woodland crafts, forestry information, displays of woodland wildlife, chainsaw advice, nature walks, free hot cider, a warming tent and, pandemic rules permitting, free sleigh rides. The event is funded by the Wildlife Conservation Fund, and hosted by four watershed groups including TREC. The event will be signed off Route 2 in Pleasant Valley, just up Millvale Road. Please be aware that a Vax Pass and ID will be required.
If you want to see what the TREC work-crew did over the summer of 2021, our Summer Field Report has just been released, and it has all the information.
While we are building our new website, please see our facebook page or Instagram feed for news. Recent facebook posts appear on this web page, so you can see them whether you use facebook or not.